About Us

The team at “furbytoyshop.com” work to provide honest and accurate, articles and reviews on all things relating to Furby toy stuffs.

With regards to the product reviews, furbytoyshop.com aims to help selecting the correct products to meet their needs.  The experiences on this website are provided by our in house team and where required professionals with the prerequisite knowledge on specific products. The reviews on all products aim to act as a reference point for novice users.

In addition to reviews furbytoyshop.com will also produce supplementary “How to Guides” and Informative articles.  The goal being to provide our readers with ample knowledge to make informed choices, so that they can avoid the dreaded “post purchasing dissonance” or “buyer’s remorse”.

furbytoyshop.com is reliant upon our readers so if there is anything that can be improved or any experiences you would like to share please connect with us via the comment section of the relevant article, or via the link below.

Now on to the boring legal stuff:

  • All product reviews provided on this website are based on detailed research by the furbytoyshop.com team and relevant experts in the specific field.
  • We do not own a gadget company or have an affiliation with any product company; we just provide the reviews and informative articles.
  • We hope to make a significant contribution to your product buying experience by saving you time and energy by not having to do all the research yourself.
  • We aim to please. Our mission statement is to be a go to resource site for our readers to help them choose the correct product to meet their specific requirements.

Now, keep reading, stay informed and tell your friends about us!

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